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Rabu, Juli 09, 2008

Tax foreclosures property investment could be a nightmare investment

The term “Tax Foreclosures” is a legal procedure or process that is expected to occur if a buyer defaults on a loan or the taxes applicable on the property, which he lends for mortgage. The lender or lending institution takes back the hold of the property because of irresponsibility of the borrower in paying off dues and applicable taxes or loan applied on mortgaged property for whatsoever reasons. Therefore it is in the best interest of the borrower to pay off all the dues and applicable taxes prior to agreed period of time so as to make sure that no legal action, such as auction of his/her property in public, is taken against him/her. The most notable thing for a borrower is to that he/she must keep all the documents with him/her meeting all the terms and conditions to avoid any Tax Foreclosures in dealing with other parties in future.

Tax foreclosure property procedures are different in every state. Many states follow an easy and simple tax foreclosure, whereby you only have to appeal the county court or maybe through processes of applications to obtain the deed to the property. Mean while, in other states, to go through the tax foreclosure property, you will have to spend most of your time in dealing with an attorney, which will consume lot of your time and waste your money.

In the United States, there are two sorts of property foreclosure in most common law states. Using a "deed in lieu of foreclosure," the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt, usually on contract. In the proceeding simply known as foreclosure (or, perhaps, distinguished as "judicial foreclosure"), the property is exposed to auction by the county sheriff or some other officer of the court.
Other states have adopted non-judicial foreclosure procedures, in which the mortgagee, or more commonly the mortgagee's attorney or designated agent, gives the debtor a notice of default and the mortgagee's intent to sell the immovable property in a form prescribed by state statute. This type of property foreclosure is commonly referred to as "statutory" or "non-judicial" foreclosure.

The schedules for auctions of the tax foreclosures properties can be obtain by approaching the office of the Clerk of the District of the area in which the mortgager owns the property. However information on such listings can also be obtained from the courthouse.


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