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Rabu, Juli 09, 2008

Information About The Indoor Bonsai Plant

Do you have a green thumb, or just the desire to grow your own plants, but find that you are restricted by lack of space? The Bonsai Plant may be the answer to your dilemma. Cultivating the Bonsai Plant has become very popular, partly for the fact that they don’t take much space, and they are a very decorative addition to the home.
There are several types of Bonsai Plants that can be grown indoors, including the Chinese Bird Plumb, Fukien Tea Tree, Chinese Privet, Fig Tree, Sacred Bamboo, Buddhist Pine, along with several others.

You can decide the size and shape of the Bonsai Plant by growing them in little container. Doing this will manage the growth of roots. In addition, you must trim them frequently; this will ensure that you Bonsai Plants remain healthy and beautiful.
There is a specific method to pruning the Bonsai Plant. With Bonsai Trees, there is a minor bud at the beginning of the leaf. The Bonsai Plant must be trimmed in the direction in which the bud is facing, as the new shoot will grow from there. With the small trees, to shape the tree, you simply must trim it. With bigger trees, you will have to bend the branches and trunk to give it a shape. The shaping and structuring of Bonsai Plant is done during the growing season only.

The Bonsai Plant needs plenty of sunlight, but must be kept in moderate temperatures that are not too cold, or too hot. If you cannot keep them in a bright room with large windows, you may choose to keep them outdoors in a semi shady location.
One of the major differences between growing the Bonsai Plant is that unlike many other houseplants, or outside garden plants, fertilizer is a necessity for these types of plants. You should only use a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for the Bonsai Plant, and use it weekly during the summer and monthly during he winter.
Proper watering is also extremely important. These plants should only be watered when the soil begins to dry, then they may be saturated but not watered again until the soil becomes semi dry.
Keep in mind that too much fertilizer or water will kill the roots of your Bonsai Plant. These beautiful plants are somewhat delicate, but once you learn how to care for them, they are a great hobby, and add a fantastic touch to your home while bringing you closer to nature.


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